Developing effective communication skills is very important, even if you already have a successful and bountiful career. Those with effective communication skills are more at ease in life. They have the abilities to navigate diverse situations, and that is an invaluable skill in today’s world.
Effective Communication skills: not a topic stressed in school.
Sure, teachers model effective communication for situations such as group work or whole class discussions, but communication in the real world is a bit more intense. It’s a shame, since communincation is the way through which humans interact; in person or online. As a teacher, I think learning how to be effective in your communicaiton is very valuable lesson.
To develop effective communication, think about the following practices:
- Use the right amount of eye contact. There’s a fine line between too much and too little eye contact. If you don’t have enough eye contact, people will either think you’re submissive or disinterested. People will think you’re aggressive if you use too much eye contact. It’s important to find an appropriate middle point so your counterparts will not fear conversations with you.
- A good general rule to follow is to maintain eye contact when either person is speaking. Break eye contact when there is silence. This simple rule will improve your eye contact tremendously. Experiment and see for yourself!
- If maintaining eye contact is uncomfortable for you, study the other person’s eyes. What color are they? How big are their pupils? Imagine you’re an artist and you have to draw the other person’s eyes. You’d look very closely. Surprisingly, this can greatly reduce any anxiety you might be feeling.
- Be a better listener. If you want to be a great conversationalist, you have to be a great listener. Very few people have interest in truly listening to another person. If you make this a priority, you will stand out in a crowd.
- Wait until the other person finishes before speaking; avoid interrupting anyone.
- Give your full attention. This is more than just maintaining eye contact. It’s quite possible to look someone in the eye and think about something else. You need to keep your attention on the other person.
- Wait until the other person finishes before speaking; avoid interrupting anyone.
- Ask open-ended questions. It’s difficult to keep a conversation going if you ask questions that have simple yes or no answers. Ask questions that require a more substantial answer. It’s also a good idea to avoid answering questions with a one-word answer; always explain yourself, but don’t over-do it.
- Be aware of your body language. Your body language can make others view you as open and inviting or closed off. Avoid crossing your arms and legs. Turn and face people while you’re communicating. Smile! (When appropriate, of course!)
- Know the purpose of the communication. What is the goal? Have a goal for every interaction, even if that goal is just to enjoy yourself. Further, if you’re negotiating a business deal, the goal is to negotiate the best possible deal for your side. Be assertive and let your goal guide you throughout the conversation.
- Be sure that you understand. It’s easy to misinterpret what someone is attempting to tell to you. Take the time to ensure that you understand the other person correctly. Ask questions. Ask for clarification if you’re unsure of the other person’s message. Restate what you believe the other person communicated to you.
- Be certain that your communication partner understands you. It’s just as important to ensure that the other person is clear on what you’re communicating. Ask questions to make sure the other person understands you. Always be clear in your communication.
Do you communicate effectively?
How well do you communicate with others? Even if you see yourself as a master at communication, there is always room for improvement. Most people don’t communicate nearly as well as they could. Enhancing your communication skills to make them more effective is an easy way to give a boost to many areas of your life. With effective communication, you can be sure you’re on the right track to success, both personally and professionally. Once you have your communication skills in tact, you can enhance your practices through continual use. Put your effective communication abilities to work!