Are You Thankful for Gratitude?

Are You Thankful for Gratitude?

No, I’m not trying to trick you.  Yes, I know that being thankful and gratitude are, essentially, the same thing.  However, do you know that it is possible to show gratitude yet not actually feel any of the effects?  Think about it: you can give people presents all day long and visually see their happy faces. Conversely, unless you have genuine meaning behind each gift, your actions will not affect your heart.

Take children for instance.  How many times have you received a home-made gift from a child?  When I was little, I often made my parents presents for the holidays.  I loved to see their reactions of true gratitude and love. I think what I enjoyed even more was how proud I was of myself for creating and presenting each gift.

Being Thankful Also Means Being Thoughtful

One of the most influential things that you can use to create a better tomorrow for yourself is gratitude.  It’s not that it’s some mysterious trick, though.  Gratitude will not automatically produce visible transformations.  However, it does have the ability to expose you to a wider variety of opportunities.  You might even notice the wealth of blessings in life that you already have!

When you realize the amount of gifts that you already possess, you’ll be able to concentrate on abundance more and more. This is true for both tangible and intangible gifts. Successively, this will place you on a path leading to optimism and happiness. To begin this gratitude makeover, you have to start showing pure gratitude towards others. You need to feel gratitude for all things in your life that make you happy.

How to Accept All the Good Things

A surefire way to build your knowledge of all the great things in your life is to start a journal dedicated to gratitude.  Now, don’t just sit there and wait for something good to happen so you can be thankful.  Think about your life and what already exists that brings you joy. 

Begin by making a list.  This brainstorming activity will give you fresh ideas that you can expand upon later.  Your list should be current things about your life for which you are grateful.  Some examples to get you started can be: your health, your home, the food in your refrigerator…even the refrigerator itself!  When there comes a day where you are feeling glum, take a look at this list and remember all the things that you have in life.

When you realize (…and you will, I promise!) that you have SO many things to be thankful for, you’ll naturally be able to add items to your gratitude journal.  If you’re feeling extra moved by something on your list, write more!  Use that special item on your list as a springboard and tell your journal all of the things that make you so happy about said item on your list.  It might sound silly, but you’re the only one who will read it, so why not?

Gratitude: One of Life’s Little Gadgets

Are you working to increase your emotional well-being?  Look no further, gratitude is here to save the day!  You can utilize the act of being thankful to pre-emptively position yourself on the positive side of anything.  Gratitude can be a shield against negative energy and it can uplift you in times of doubt.  If you concentrate on what you already possess instead of what you don’t have, you will be on the right path to emotional stability.

It is thought that people who sustain a grateful mindset will come in contact with more positive instances of physical and mental security.   This is because being grateful everyday tends to raise self-confidence.  In addition, showing gratitude for intangible things, such as your relationship with your family, will likely lead to less of a materialistic lifestyle.  You will realize that even though you can be grateful for “stuff,” being grateful for people and your connections with others is much more fulfilling. 

Don’t Worry, Be Grateful

When you keep your mind full of the things you are thankful for, your stress hormones will stay at bay.  Your positive mentality will set the stage for you to be able to manage stressful situations adequately and calmly.  Not only will this make you more confident, you will also be projecting to others your interpersonal ability to deal with whatever comes your way. 

Being thankful doesn’t just have to be a Thanksgiving tradition anymore.  Spread the word of gratitude each and every day of the year.  Challenge yourself to show gratitude at least once each day this week.  If you work hard and make it a keystone habit in your life, you will be on your way to a successful, and genuinely happy, life.