Is Minimalism Worth a Try?

Is Minimalism Worth a Try?

Think about the practice of minimalism.  Do you know anyone who truly wants to have the bare minimum?  Are you thinking to yourself, who in their right mind doesn’t need 17 throw blankets?  I’m right there with you…almost.  I do love my little collection of cozy blankets, and I use at least one daily, so to me, they are joyful and worth keeping.

When you imagine what a minimalist home looks like, you may picture a living space with nothing more than a simple couch, unfinished wood table and one book.  While that is certainly possible for some, it isn’t really what minimalism is all about.  It doesn’t meant you have to get rid of absolutely everything.  A minimalist lifestyle is all about ridding your home and life of all the extra items, and even commitments, that you could easily live without.

8 Reasons that minimalism can make your life better:

  1. Clean in less time.  For most, about half the time spent cleaning, you are actually decluttering.  It is much easier to vacuum the floors if you don’t have to pick up a giant load of toys.  Your kitchen counters can be cleaned in seconds if there’s barely anything on them to begin with. Get the picture?
  2. Your mood will be uplifted.  When you have less of a mess, your stress levels are lower.  When there are physical items in your way, your brain makes a connection to your emotions and you tend to feel stuck.  With minimalism, you’re surrounded by calmness and very few items to distract, or stress out, your mind.
  3. You’ll save money.  It makes sense when you say it out loud…less things mean less money spent.  Maybe you will even make money if you sell your extra things!  Think about all of the experiences you and your family could afford.  You can create memories based around people and places rather than a mountain of “stuff”. Think about the saying, “less is more,” and apply it to your life.
  4. You can invest in long-lasting items.  Instead of buying the cheapest dining table that was on clearance, you can invest in something that will stay with your family for years to come.  Find the perfect table for eating, doing homework and just gathering with loved ones.  Spend the money you’re saving in other areas of your life on things that will serve a purpose in the long run.
  5. You will have more time.  Think about all that time you will save with cleaning…it is sure to add up!   When you have less housework, you have more time for yourself and your family.  You can enjoy your home, feeling less stressed and worried about how much time you have to do things. Your focus can be on the relationships in your life that are meaningful and worthy of your attention.
  6. You will begin to realize your purpose in life.  When you limit your commitments outside the home, you might realize those activities were just “fluff” in your life.  If you dwindle down and only attend the things that are most important to you, you will find your passions, and ultimately, you’ll be more present at said activities.  In the end, you will make more of a difference concentrating on a few commitments rather than sprinkling your energy amongst a dozen.
  7. Your relationships will deepen.  You will connect with your friends and family on a deeper level when you have less distraction.  In addition, with your newly freed up time, you have a better chance to connect with your loved ones based merely on schedule alone.  You might even find that your children are less stressed and less likely to lash out or get distracted when given instructions.  Minimalism doesn’t mean your kids go without…it means they learn the importance of human interaction, and to focus on each other rather than material items.
  8. You could downsize your home.  This isn’t a must, but at least you would have the option to move to a smaller home.  A smaller home would mean a smaller mortgage, less maintenance and more money in your pocket.  If you rid your life of all of the extra stuff you have, there is no need for so much storage space, which, let’s be honest, is a big portion of most peoples’ homes.

So, is minimalism the right move for you?

Do you have a spare room or basement stacked with extra stuff that is rarely used? Take a minute to think about how if would make you feel to clean out that space.  Would you feel lighter?  Maybe you would be happier knowing that mess of items is gone and you don’t have to worry about it?  Would you even be a littler richer?  People pay good money for second hand things, so you never know!

If you’re still unsure, you can always pretend.  Choose a room in your house and make it a “minimalism room.”  You don’t have to actually get rid of anything, just box up some items you think you can live without and temporarily store them elsewhere.  Now, test it for a month or so, and if you can get by without even thinking about these items, maybe it’s time to remove them from your life. 

When it comes to minimalism, there are “guidelines” of sorts and I’m not getting into all of that here.  I’m just opening the door and letting in something that might spark you to give minimalism a try.  My advice is to do your research and have discussions with your family members.  It can’t be a one-sided operation.  Your whole home will need to get involved and be on board.  Who knows?  Maybe minimalism is the solution you didn’t even know you were looking for.