Adopt an Active Lifestyle: 5 Easy Tips

Adopt an Active Lifestyle: 5 Easy Tips

It’s very important for your health to have an active lifestyle.  Not only does daily movement reduce the risk for strokes, heart diseases and diabetes; it improves your mood, too!  Your overall brain function can also be positively affected by active lifestyle choices.

What does an active lifestyle look like?

I am well aware that most people are not marathon runners…I’m sure not, at least!  No one is saying you need to be a competitive, distance runner to maintain your health.  All you need to do is move your body

In order to stay active you have to choose an activity that is enjoyable, that way it has a better chance at becoming a habit.  There are no specific rules about what you choose to do…you can work out at your local gym, walk around your neighborhood or find a workout video on YouTube. 

The thing to remember is to keep moving and be consistent with your activity.  If you have an “active buddy,” it can help keep you motivated and accountable. Include some quality time with a family member or a friend and you get a two-for-one deal!

Finding the right fit

At first, you may find it difficult to identify your workout style.  It’s okay to try different options and mix up your routine every once in awhile.  For example, after years of attempting to workout at a local gym, I realized that I am much more comfortable exercising in my home or out in nature.  I love walking, indoors or out, and that has become my go-to for staying active.  I like to mix in strength training a couple days a week, and nothing I do requires any machines or weights, which is a plus for my budget (and the limited space I have for a workout area!).

active life

Check out these simple methods you can follow to achieve an active lifestyle:

1.  Don’t go all in on the first day.

Has it been awhile…months or even years…since you’ve had any sort of active routine?  If so, you can’t just jump in and run 5 miles, lift heavy weights and attempt advanced yoga.

  • If it really has been quite a long time since you’ve worked out in any way, you should discuss the possibility with a doctor and make sure all is well in that area.
  • After the all clear, start small; walk around the block or for 10-15 minutes on a treadmill.  You can progressively increase the length of your workout, as you feel comfortable.
  • Instead of lifting weights, start with simple, wall or counter pushups.
  • Begin and end your active time with gentle stretching…eventually you might feel ready for that advanced yoga class!

2. Aim for a half-hour.

An appropriate target-duration for your chosen activity should be about a half hour each day. It’s okay to break up the time, too.  Three sessions of ten minutes in length will do just fine.  If you are finding that it’s hard to fit it into your schedule, try some of these suggestions:

  • Dance for 10 minutes…set a timer, play your favorite tunes and the time will be done before you know it!
  • On your lunch break, take a short walk around the block or around the parking area if you work outside the home.
  • Have kids to entertain?  Find a park, with a fenced in area if you need to keep those littles in your sight, and walk the perimeter for 10 minutes.  This is my go-to…even when I’ve already done my morning workout!  It’s always nice to get some fresh air while your body does a little work. It’s also great for the kiddos to get some playground exercise in, too.

3. Do some strength training.

Your body needs more than aerobic exercise alone.  Your muscles need to be worked either through resistance training or weight lifting.  Exercising specific muscle groups can improve your steadiness and agility.  In turn, you bones will benefit and become stronger, too!  If you’re a super newbie…don’t go out and buy the latest workout bands or fancy weight system…all you need is your own body.  Try these simple muscle training activities:

  • Push-ups: on the floor (toes or knees), against a wall or the kitchen counter while your veggies are roasting.
  • Lunges: front stepping, back stepping, or to the side…either way, begin with three rounds of 4 or 5 and work your way towards 10.
  • Squats: An easy starting point is “sumo” style…imagine a sumo wrestler as they position themselves before engaging in battle…do three sets of 4 or 5 and work up to 10; same as lunges.  If it is difficult to stay balanced, hold onto a chair or railing.
  • Leg/arm raises.  This may seem too simple, but trust me, after a few rounds you will feel the burn!

4. Variation is key.

Feel yourself becoming bored with your routine?  Change it up!  There’s nothing wrong with a flexible routine when it comes to leading an active lifestyle.

  • Search out a friend and ask what they do to keep their body moving…then join them!
  • Try a quick 7-10 minute interval training timer app.  The one I use is on my Fitbit Versa.  It gives me 30 seconds to move with 10 seconds of rest between moves for a total of 14 reps.  I pick random things, like jogging in place, toe-touches or planks, to name a few, and alternate between “moving” periods.
  • Find an affordable group class or recreational sports team to join…being active and making friends; just people helping people over here!


Keep your routine simple and remember that you can have an active lifestyle from the comfort of your own home, if that’s what you desire. 

  • As stated earlier, you can find free workout videos on YouTube.
  • There are many paid subscriptions choices, too…just perform a search and you’ll have results galore.
  • Libraries are also a great resource.  Maybe you’ll find your new favorite Jane Fonda workout video in an online archive!

An active lifestyle can be yours!

You owe it to yourself, and your body, to make the time to be active.  I know you’re all busy, but fitting movement into your day needs to be a priority.  At LifeSoldier Living we believe that a successful life can be attained by improving yourself physically, mentally and professionally, so take this opportunity to get started on the physical aspect.  Be bold and grab your active lifestyle by the…well…just grab it.

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