Being Curious: Why this is a good thing

Being Curious: Why this is a good thing

How do you think gravity was discovered?  What about canoes…how did someone come up with those?  Here’s a good one: electricity.  What if no one was ever curious enough to figure these things out?  Think about how different our lives would be right now.  Sure, gravity would still exist, but would it have a name?  Would it have theories surrounding it?  No, probably not. 

If scientists and humans of long ago had not been curious about why apples fall from trees or why some things sink and some things float, life as we know it would be rudimentary, to say the least.

Curiosity is a natural feeling that even babies give into on a regular basis.  What will happen if I push that tower of blocks over?  Maybe if I cry I will get my bottle?  I know we can’t really remember that far back, but as adults, we have observed tiny humans and we have seen how they let curiosity lead them each and every day.

As we grow, we obviously learn things, like how balance works and how to communicate verbally.  We then use those new skills to find out more about the world we live in.  When we reach adolescence, we are readily acquiring as much knowledge as our little brains can handle.  Through high school, and maybe college, we learn and learn until we are set free in the world to make a living on our own. 

Somewhere, somehow, our natural sense of curiosity seems to become stifled.  It’s not as though we actively turn it off, like a light switch…we just get busy with life.  If I really sit here and think about it, I can remember the last time I was truly curious to learn how to do something.  It is actually the thing I’m doing right now…writing a blog and making money to boot. Up until then, I didn’t really try to do anything new. I was just going with the flow and letting life happen.

However, it was my curiosity that lead me to figure out how to create a WordPress site, find a niche and begin creating my digital realty.  I didn’t even know what those words/phrases meant until I started this journey.  I let my sense of wonder take me away and I learned everything I could get my hands on when it came to blog writing.

Here’s the thing: you can do this, too.  I’m not talking about blog writing, unless that’s what you want to do, I’m talking about anything.  So, here is why you should indulge your curious side…you’ll thank me later.   


Why You Should Nurture Your Natural Curiosity

1. Foster constructive behaviors.  Can you not help but wonder about the phenomena in this world?  If so, you are showing natural characteristics of intellect, positivity, tolerance, modesty, and imagination.  This can be fulfilling for you, and also cause those around you to show respect and admiration.

2. Preserve your psychological well being.  Many curious people are intellectually sharp and not as prone to old-age ailments that negatively affect the memory. The reason for this stems from the idea that being inquisitive can continually form fresh pathways in your brain.  So, really, being curious is like exercise for your mind! 

3. Become extra innovative.  Marveling over your passions is how artists and creative writers form content.  Wonder and curiosity lead to exploration and can often result in unique personal viewpoints that are both intriguing and entertaining. Kids are often propelled by curious intuition.  It’s actually their way of learning about the world and anything surrounding them.  Just hang out with any two-year old…they are full of questions!

4. Have a heightened sense of joy.  It is thought that cheerfulness is acutely connected to curiosity.  It makes sense for those who are curious to be constantly engaged and therefore less bored.  They are typically attentive and often allot for things such as star gazing or enjoying the sound of rain on a rooftop.  Curious individuals are frequently easily motivated and are keen to attempt the latest trends.  Further, the more they learn, the more they want to find out! 

Awaken Your Curious Side

Go ahead: do the unexpected.  You can try out a new hobby or read a book you wouldn’t normally pick off the shelf.  Feeling uninspired?  Ask a friend if you can join them in their hobby or if you can borrow a book when they’ve finished reading it.

Another way to cultivate curiosity is spending time with children.  Build a Lego city or play with Barbie dolls…but take time to notice how ideas develop in children.  I think you’ll find that there will often be “what if…” questions, which trigger ideas, which then spark either new designs or story lines.  As adults, we sometimes forget to be creative in our everyday lives.  We’re busy with work and household chores…but maybe even those things can provoke some curiosity!

Sometimes, to incite your curiosity, you have to create your own adventure and see where it takes you.  Have you ever gone to Target or Wal-Mart and wandered the aisles?  If you’re like most people, you probably don’t have time for this, right?  Thank again: you have to remember that even curiosity needs your time.  Allow yourself to browse once in a while and maybe it will inspire an idea.

You can ignite the fire in your soul to achieve your wildest, dare I say, most curious, dreams.  We all have a desire to learn, and by encouraging this biological yearning to know more, you can let your deepest curiosities prevail.  Give yourself permission to take a leap of faith.  Go out there and gain the knowledge you need to make your dream into reality.  Satisfying your desire for knowledge will deepen your understanding of yourself and others and prepare you for greater success.