How To Find Time for Peace in Your Life

How To Find Time for Peace in Your Life

If you’re like most people, finding time for self-care practice can be a challenge, especially if you’re aiming for daily effort.  However, if you want to bring peace into your life, an easy fix is to do regular meditation.  When you think of meditation, do you imagine someone sitting cross-legged on the floor for hours and hours? Well, you wouldn’t necessarily be wrong, but you wouldn’t be totally right either!

Although lengthy meditation sessions have their benefits, meditating for a few minutes or less each day can boost your mindfulness, too.  Try these suggestions to bring peace to your mind, body and soul…even when you’re feeling overwhelmed by your daily schedule.

Mini-Meditations: Let the peace in

Recognize your breathing.  Pull air into your body with purpose and genuinely feel that air as it leaves your body on each exhale.  Breathe slowly and steadily, placing a hand on your chest to feel it expand and deflate with each movement.  Imagine air going in your nose and down to your lungs.  Visualize your lungs expanding and contracting with each breath you take.

Accept your mindfulness.  Hear your thoughts like a monologue in a movie.  Release any drama from your inner voice and appreciate your own thoughts without judgment.  Be present and if your thoughts aren’t peaceful, make a decision; whether it is to acknowledge those thoughts or invite positive thoughts in to calm yourself. Remember, thoughts are temporary and while it’s healthy to recognize stressful feelings, you get to choose the direction of your meditation.

Be still.  You can sit, lie down or even stand, as long as you are calm and essentially motionless, besides breathing, of course.  Wherever your location happens to be, you must be able to concentrate on the two previous items.  This will vary according to your preference and ability to ignore outside noises.

Quick Meditations: Finding the Time

On the way to work:  Every time you encounter a traffic light or sign, use it as a reminder to take a deep breath.  If you are stopped in traffic, use it as an excuse to meditate.  No need to close your eyes, just concentrate on your breathing and your thoughts with your eyes focused on something in your direct vision.

During daily breaks:  Have a few minutes between meetings, phone calls or diaper changes? Check in with yourself, take a deep breath and feel whatever it is you are feeling.  Find peace with your daily routine and recognize your important role in the lives of others.

While you are exercising:  Make a connection between your inner and outer self.  You can meditate throughout your work out sessions.  Doing bicep curls?  Breath in and out while lowering and raising your forearm, connect your thoughts to what your body is accomplishing.  Walking or running?  Breathe in cadence and feel your body being fueled by the oxygen you are taking in. 

While playing with your kids: Kids should learn how to be mindful from a young age, as it can help them deal with stress later in life.  Give your children the tools they need to succeed by sharing your meditation experience with them.  You can do yoga, practice visualization or sing some positive mantras or chants.  Short and simple is key here, both for you and for your offspring!


You can have peace in your life…

Who says meditation has to be long and lonely?  You can get rid of stress and enhance your mindfulness with a brief, little meditation session.  There are plenty of ways to fit meditation into your daily schedule.  As long as you make it a priority, bringing peace into your life will become a keystone habit that you will include in your day without much effort.