5 Reasons to Stop Waiting for the Right Time

5 Reasons to Stop Waiting for the Right Time

I’m sure you know the saying, “There’s never a right time.”  You probably also know that even if you say this to yourself, things get in the way and the right time slips by or never happens. Often times, we look for the ideal stretch of time to begin life-changing courses of action.  This includes, but is not limited to: weight-loss, career changes and financial habits.  I’m sure you can think of more examples…because you probably lived through them yourself!  The problem is, time is not waiting for you or anyone else.  So, naturally, the time to make a change is now.

If you’re waiting for that “perfect” window of time, you’re out of luck.  There will never be a flawless span of time, because you can’t control all of the things.  You can, however, control your own actions, so start that workout routine today or send in that job application you’ve been holding on to.  There’s no need to indulge in the “I’ll start it on Monday,” excuse.  Even if it’s 8pm on a Friday night…just do what you need to do and get the ball rolling.

Why is choosing now better than another time?

  1. Where there’s a will there’s a way.  Sorry, cheesy expression again, but it holds so much truth!  You cannot, in fact, control time.   You can, however, regulate how your time is used.  Instead of waiting to begin something, figure out how to make the present time work with, and for, you.  Be creative and ask for help if/when you need it.  Lean on those around you and focus on your goal.

  2. Slow and steady wins the race.  While this little pinch from a fable is often frustrating, it’s also often true!  Progress can be unfathomably slow, so the sooner you begin something, the sooner you will see results.  You can succeed eventually or you can succeed never.  Make the choice to begin your journey so your success can come sooner than later.

  3. The more you know, the more you realize how much you don’t know.  Again and again you can tell yourself that you can’t make a change because you don’t know how to do it.  I’m here to drill into your brain that of course you don’t know how do it…it’s NEW!  You have to begin learning about something and once you do, you will be much farther than where you were when you began.  If you wait, you learn nothing, and therefore you’ll stay where you are.  So, gather as much knowledge as you can, it’s a great first step towards success.

  4. No more justifying.  The easiest way to explain this is to think about a time when you had to cancel plans with your best friend.  Did you flat-out say you had to cancel and tell the truth or did you embellish a bit and make your “excuse” seem more worth-while?  If it’s your best pal, you should be able to tell the truth, right?  Seeing as there’s no one you’re closer with than yourself, you should have no problem being truthful.  So, no more excuses…take action today!

  5. You will feel good about your decision.  Think about your life and how you’ll look back on it once you’re in your 80s.  Will you have regrets about not taking action sooner?  Even soon than that, think about yourself one year from now.  How could your life be different, dare I say better, if you took action immediately?
right here right now

The benefit of today is that it is sooner than tomorrow…or next week or next month.  If you take action now, you are making this time work for you and your life.  You are taking control of your future and that is something to be proud of.

Simple ways make now the right time:

  1. Make plan that you can start right now.

  2. List things that might deter your plan, and figure out how to overcome those obstacles.

  3. Set up a system to reward yourself for your hard work.

  4. Don’t give up and work hard to create new keystone habits.

Don’t wait for the “right” time.  It’s doesn’t exist.  The right time for you is now.  Make it happen and reap the benefits sooner rather than later.  It’s up to you and you can take action today.