8 Reasons to Find Enjoyment in Reading

8 Reasons to Find Enjoyment in Reading

There are many people who find enjoyment in reading. They may read for fun, for school or for work. Then there are some who would rather scoop a kitty litter box than open a book.  Many children feel “forced” into reading books at young age; it’s a by product of having to read some not-so-engaging textbooks. Having felt this way, it can be difficult to find the fun in reading. As an adult, you might even still feel this way. If you still haven’t changed your opinion on reading as a leisure activity now that you are older, you’re in the right place.

Studies show that daily reading, whatever your age, will strengthen your brain in multiple ways.  It is a wonderful way to learn new things, calm your mind, and to increase your overall well being.  If you are a parent, you not only have that ability to learn to love reading yourself; you can teach your child to find enjoyment in reading, too!

Here are 8 reasons to read more:

Cheap Knowledge. Books are not very expensive.  Actually, there are many books that are free…library anyone?  It’s also not a crime to hang out at a bookstore and read, as long as you’re respectful of the store’s policies and the books themselves.  If you compare buying a book (if it’s not one you can find for free) to the cost of taking a class/course on the given topic, I bet the book will be the better bargain. Are you affiliated with a branch of the military? Check to see what your branch offers when it comes to online libraries.

Efficient Learning.  This may come as a surprise, but there isn’t much that goes into reading a book.  After you put in the effort to obtain said book, all you have to do is open it and read!  If you think about it, this is way more time-efficient than, say, driving or walking somewhere to participate in a class.  In addition, you can learn at the pace that you are most comfortable with.  Don’t want to wait until the next lecture from an instructor?  Books are the way to go!

Sleep Aid.  There are multiple studies that reveal how reading before you go to sleep can lessen the amount of time it takes to fall asleep.  It is also possible that reading at bed time can aid in the fight against insomnia.  Reading can calm your mind and body, putting it in an ideal stance for sleep.  You should, however, try to avoid reading from a lighted screen in the wee hours of the night.  Stick to ebook readers with no blue light or tangible page turners.

Endless Information.  Books have been around since the single digit centuries.  While the majority of those books probably no longer exist, there are millions of books being published each year.  You can find books on just about any topic, so your limits are endless.  Not only that, the caliber of information you can read in books will range from novice to expert, so you have your choice in that sense as well.

enjoyment reading

Healthy Habits.  As I’ve mentioned before, reading for enjoyment has been linked to healthy benefits for your mind.   It can strengthen your brain, increase empathy, and even prevent cognitive decline.  Just as physical exercise is good for your body, reading books will mentally exercise your brain.

Vast Vocabulary.  Have you ever heard the saying, “The rich get richer and the poor get poorer,”?  This is a concept that applies to vocabulary as well.  After all, babies only learn the words they are exposed to.  This is why reading for enjoyment is so important from a young age.  Reading books is probably the best way to broaden your vocabulary.

Entertainment.  Many will often argue that a book is better than it’s cinema counterpart.  Reading can be a very engaging activity, often stimulating your mind more than watching something on a screen.  With the large variety in subject matter that is offered through reading, finding something that interests you won’t be a problem.

Reduce Stress. Looking for an efficient way to relax and practice some self-care?  Reading is an inexpensive, time-efficient way to reduce your heart rate, and your anxiety while you’re at it.   Take your mind off the outside world and immerse yourself in the pages of a fun and exciting novel.  Allow your mind to calm itself as you focus on an imaginary world for a short period time. You deserve this respite, so find a chunk of time in your day to read!

If you truly want to be someone who reads for enjoyment, consider these 8 points carefully.  You can be a person who finds joy in reading.  You just have to find the right material to read and take the time to make reading a lifestyle habit.