How to Make a Fresh Start

How to Make a Fresh Start

Are you ready to make lemonade with the lemons life has given you?  Have you decided that something must change and you’re truly ready for a fresh start?  Even if you are currently feeling overwhelmed and challenged by your situation, it’s a good sign to be able to recognize the need for change.  After all, it’s better than throwing your hands up and giving in to the stress of life!

Fresh Squeezed Lemonade…

Personally, I prefer sweet, pink lemonade to quench my thirst.  Just as our taste buds are unique, the areas of ours lives that need to change will differ from person to person.  So, what areas of your life need a fresh start?  Are there multiple areas? Just one?     

Make a fresh start: Choose the area of your life.

At Home. You can give your home a simple makeover.  Want to be more extreme?  You can even move!  My advice, however, is to start with small changes, such as rearranging furniture or painting an accent wall in your living room.  Have a spare room?  Make it a hobby room for yoga, art, reading or whatever your heart desires.  One more small way to make some big changes is to get organized.  Go through kitchen or dresser drawers and only keep what you need and what you use. Clean and tidy drawers always make me happy!

In your wallet.  Come up with a budget.  Do you need a small, second job?  Start researching side gigs.  Speak with someone who knows how to properly manage money.  Most financial advisors will offer a free consultation; so there’s no need to commit right away…count it as part of your research.  Figure out exactly how much debt you have and make a plan to pay it off.  Speaking of plans, do you have one for retirement?  It’s never too soon to start thinking about and planning for your financial future.

Out and About.  You can be in control of your social encounters.  If there are people in your life who always seem down and out, make some changes and create some boundaries so that you aren’t going down with them.  It’s much more productive to surround yourself with positive influences who share values similar to your own.  This area of your life can be one of the most challenging, so go easy on yourself and aim for small victories, like joining a gym or signing up for a hobby class.    

Body and mind wellness.  This is a no-brainer, but often the most neglected area.  You cannot expect to be successful in life without first finding a successful balance between your physical and mental health. Find free exercise videos on YouTube, download free exercise/challenge apps on your phone, or simply go for a walk everyday.  Feed your body with nutritious foods and find the right meal plan that works for you and your family.  

At work.  Whether your “work” is at an office or in the playroom with your kids, there are things you can do to make it “work” for you.  If it’s an option, consider a new job.  There’s no better way for a fresh start than to start fresh at a new place.  Carefully consider all your skills and how you can market yourself for whatever your heart desires.  If you’re able to go back to school or take courses to enhance your job prospects, do it!  If you are a stay-at-home-parent, conquer a new hobby at nap-time, or create a new daily schedule.  Make sure that the new schedule has the best of both worlds when it comes to the happiness of you and your children.

Behind the scenes.  Look to your inner self and determine what you need to give yourself a fresh start. Maybe it’s a new book about meditation or healthy mindsets.  Figure out and really pinpoint your purpose in this world; more than merely who you are for others, such as a spouse, parent or friend.  Be selfish here and make yourself a priority.  This, in and of itself, can be a healthy practice for a new beginning.

fresh start

Think carefully about your fresh start…

Making the decision to reinvent an area of your life can be exciting.  Use that excitement as fuel to really put in effort and commit to change. There’s a chance that a decision can end up being detrimental to your life, and that’s ok.  Just because you try something new doesn’t mean you have to continue it forever.  You have control of your life and you can revisit your changes at any time. Hopefully, making this fresh start will have positive results and provide an exciting new phase for your life.