Single Parent Tips for Time Management

Single Parent Tips for Time Management

You know your life will change when you become a single parent. You will need to follow these single parent tips.  A lot of new responsibilities and demands will arise when your household goes from two adults down to one. To take care of your family’s needs, it’s important now, more than ever, to manage your time wisely.

It’s easy to end up with feelings of overwhelming, and never ending tasks. That is, unless you can design a system that works for you.

Maximizing Your Time:

  1. Study your routine. Notice how you are currently spending your time. How many hours do you spend watching TV or browsing online? Are there some tasks that you can take off of your to do list? 
  2. Pinpoint priorities. Focus on the most important responsibilities. Your family’s health and happiness matter more than keeping up with the laundry…as long as everyone has clean undies, right?
  3. Plan ahead. If it’s at all possible, start brainstorming as soon as you feel you are ready.  Obviously, everyone’s story as to how and why they are a single parent is different, so planning ahead may not be up your alley.
  4. Allow for extra time.  Go ahead and expect that many activities will take longer than they used to.  If you’re running errands with your kids instead of leaving them home with your partner, you’ll need to bring along extra supplies, and you may need to stop for bathroom and snack breaks.  Not to mention, the run-of-the-mill child squabbles and set backs than can occur when you’re out and about.
  5. Organize your tasks. Being organized will help you stay on track. Deal with your essential errands first just in case you run out of time. Consider using delivery services for a while. If you’re looking for a simple tool to help with organization, try Trello!
  6. Use technology. I’m not talking about watching Netflix…I mean things like online shopping and time saving apps that can aid in cutting down the size of your workload.  Ask other new and experienced single parents about their favorite discoveries when it comes to technology.
  7. Ask for help. Let others know how they can support you. Your family and friends might be interested in babysitting or helping out with some chores.  Hit up those other moms and dads at school pick up and drop off and suggest a car pool.

Single Parent Tips for Handling Common Obstacles:

  • Feed your body the right way. Proper nutrition will make you more productive. You need to eat fruits and vegetables, lean proteins, and healthy fats.  As a time-saving tool, cook food in batches for quick meals.  Keep your pantry full of your favorite staples and simple snacks for the kids.
  • Have a regular fitness routine. Can you even squeeze in a workout? Maybe you can’t…but if you can, create a routine and keep it up.  A positive, healthy parent is a great role model for little ones, and even teenagers.  Maybe you can carve out a quick half hour at the start or end of your day. You could also make exercise a family activity and be able to squeeze in some quality time, as well!
  • Get rid of all the stuff. Don’t weigh your mind and soul down with too much physical stuff.  Your brain is probably already going crazy as it is with all the responsibility and scheduling alterations.  Think minimalism and free yourself from a cluttered home.
  • Lower your stress. It’s not easy to use your time wisely when your energy levels are depleted. Practice some relaxation techniques, like meditation or listening to music. Contact a friend or join a single-parent support group. Improving your load of stress will strengthen your resiliency and ability to handle stress in the future.

Becoming a single parent, whatever the reason, is a major milestone in your life.  Whether it is a positive or negative milestone, knowing how to manage your time will help you stay balanced level-headed.  Refer to these single parent tips when you need a refresher or are feeling overwhelmed. You need to be able to take care of your own needs and at the same time ensure that your kids know they are safe and loved.